
Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Hampshire

One of the many covered bridges in New Hampshire

For many people it is difficult to tell Vermont and New Hampshire apart.  They are both New England States with similar climate, geography and history.  Those who are more familiar with these states realize that they are like two brothers who look alike but have totally different personalities.  New Hampshire’s state motto is Live Free or Die and the citizens there believe strongly in their basic rights.

Pulpit and Choir Mound at Cathedral of the Pines
 One place that touched me is the Cathedral of the Pines near Rindge, New Hampshire.  This open air  cathedral was established in memory of World War II soldiers in 1945, open to worshipers of all faiths.  The hush in the trees and the amazing view of the Grand Monadnock is awe inspiring. 

My memories of New Hampshire are from the time when my children were growing up.  When the weather got cold and it was getting late in the year, it was time to drive to the Christmas tree farm to search for the perfect tree.   It was always a great trip and everyone had to bundle up since the trip home was always cold.  The back window of the station wagon had to stay open to let the tree fit into the car and of course the tree was cold already.  The wonderful aroma of fresh pine made the whole trip worthwhile.
The Dorr Mill Woolen Store

Another place that I really liked was to go to the woolen mills.  At that time, they always had several discount or outlet stores nearby.  They sometimes had rejects – pieces that were cut wrong for an adult coat would provide more than enough material for a child’s garment.  I made most of my children’s clothes and many of the presents we gave at Christmas so the mills made it more affordable for our growing family.

 I regret that I never saw “The Old Man of the Mountain” before erosion destroyed this iconic spot.  The White Mountains are beautiful with several peaks including Mount Washington.    The winds around Mount Washington are at hurricane strength quite often which is why many claim it has the World’s Worst Weather.
The Old Man of the Mountain
Ski areas, mountains, parks, hiking trails, forests, lakes, and rivers make New Hampshire a great place for anyone who enjoys outdoor sports.  There is even a short coastline on the Atlantic Ocean – a total of about 18 miles, for those who love the beach.  There are a variety of farms in New Hampshire.  Farmer’s markets, open air stands on farms and places where you can pick your own produce are all plentiful.

New Hampshire has the only NASCAR racetrack in New England. There are many other surprises in store for the traveler to New Hampshire.  Their website includes a special section for international travelers including brochures especially prepared for those from France, Germany, the UK, and Japan.  To find what most interests you, check out their website at

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